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Painful punishment?

Post #1

Painful punishment?The naughty teen had been disobient for over a month.She simply refused to take notice of any special prose.Not even private poems could stir her attention.After she returned from her weeklong wandering across the States,she was wondering, which nasty surprise would be waiting for her.Well, her head-teacher, Mr. Peterson, was mad about her lack of response.He had his answer ready, as soon as she would show up for class.After the holiday break she stayed home another day.She knew well and feared very much what would be up.Her headmaster had such a severe strong hot hand!And during the week-long break she hadn´t even started any of her home-work school duties, she´d promised to do.She knew she was in for real trouble, being back at school.So, another day of vagabondage. Postponing the confrontation.She hadn´t read the prose, nor poetry, written for her.So she was sure to fail the test about those texts.How to keep her good marks with Mr. Peterson, she pondered.How to pas this exam? She desperately longed to quit this school,How to survive any longer in this small-town? She would die!What good luck would save her happy future, she wondered ...How to acquire the bottom marks needed for her freedom?She feared for the virginity of her bare bums ... Oh, my dear ... Dear, Mr. Peterson!I do hope: No one can see you spanking me?
04-15-2021, at 09:47 AM

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